Knowing More About Atrial Fibrillation
What’s the significance of atrial fibrillation?
The atrial fibrillation is something that can feel weird at first, but it does not have any harmful effects on its own. Still, you should know that stroke is a risk when it comes to atrial fibrillation. The visibility of symptoms for atrial fibrillation is not quite clear on first glance. Having that said, atrial fibrillation can be responsible for triggering stroke or heart issues.
Knowing more about the causes of atrial fibrillation
There are unknown causes when it comes to atrial fibrillation. However, one of the known causes for atrial fibrillation is if the heart’s electrical system was damaged from other incidents. If you have high blood pressure, then it’s possible that the atrial fibrillation is caused by that problem. Having heart surgery also causes atrial fibrillation.
It’s important to see more when it comes to atrial fibrillation.
Here are some of the risks that come with atrial fibrillation:
Stroke and heart failure is quite common with the atrial fibrillation.
Another side effect of atrial fibrillation is that it can trigger chronic fatigue.
Heart rhythm problems are also caused by atrial fibrillation.
Adding to that, one can have an inconsistent blood supply if they go through atrial fibrillation.
Also, you will want to know how atrial fibrillation is related to high blood pressure and stroke.
The relationship between stroke and AFib
During AFib, the heart will quiver erratically. There’s also the irregular contraction of the heart’s atria during AFib.
The contraction can fail in this state. Just imagine it like a sponge. Not being able to squeeze the sponge properly means that water will be left in it. You can picture something similar when it comes to the heart contraction failure. Not being able to squeeze the blood from the atria can be dangerous.
The atria will also have blood pools. The accumulation of blood in the atria is the reason why it may pool there.
Blood clotting can also happen. If pools of blood have been accumulated, the blood can clot.
Nerve paths can be blocked due to the blood clots. If the clot happens to block the blood supply to the brain, an individual can experience a stroke. The medical designation for this kind of stroke is known as the cardioembolic stroke.
How AFib leads to heart failure
Heart failure happens when the heart is not able to supply the blood that the body needs. The AFib causes the heart to erratically behave which is why the blood is not pumped out efficiently.
Most people who go through AFib tend to acquire a chronic disorder for their heart or body. As you already know, going into stroke can mean that you’ll have to deal with some permanent damage.
If you feel that you’re having the symptoms of AFib, then it’s best to seek medical care as soon as you can.