What Does a General Contractor Do?
A general contractor is a skilled professional with many years of experience in the field of home improvements and construction. He or she is responsible for ensuring that your project is completed in a timely fashion and that it meets the highest standards. Typically, a general contractor handles all aspects of your project. These include overseeing the jobsite, managing subcontractors, and performing tasks such as hiring and managing workers and securing grounds for the project. The services of a general contractor vary depending on the size and complexity of the project.
One of the most common duties of a general contractor is submitting a proposal for your project. A good project proposal includes details such as the total amount of work to be performed, the billing, and materials and equipment needed to complete the job. This is important because clients often look for the cheapest proposal when it comes to construction.
Another aspect of a project proposal is the amount of time the general contractor expects the project to take. For instance, a large-scale commercial project may require the services of various subcontractors to complete the project. As such, a general contractor should have a clear set of expectations from each of these individuals. Lastly, a good general contractor should have a healthy working relationship with each of these parties.
General contractors should also have a solid understanding of the laws governing building and construction. They are obligated to ensure that their work adheres to the necessary building codes, and to pay fines for violations. Additionally, a good general contractor should be licensed by the state in which the project is being conducted. Similarly, a good general contractor should also carry liability insurance, as it is his or her responsibility to protect the property and lives of his or her employees and subcontractors.
The best way to ensure that you select the right general contractor is to do some research. You should look at his or her public payment profiles and reviews to see what other clients have to say about his or her GC. Also, you may want to get a second opinion from someone in the construction industry, such as a tradesman.
Finally, the best general contractor should be able to produce the quickest and most cost-effective proposal possible. This is especially important if you are a small business with little to no capital to devote to a major project. Your GC should have the tools and resources to create a solid proposal based on the specifications of your project.
Although a general contractor has a wide variety of responsibilities, they are often considered the backbone of any successful construction project. With their extensive knowledge and experience, they are capable of handling all aspects of a construction project. From selecting suitable materials, to ensuring that everyone on the site is doing their job, to keeping your project on track, a general contractor is indispensable. Whether you are a residential or commercial property owner, the services of a reputable and qualified general contractor are invaluable.