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The Advantages of Using Custom White Boards.

Every platform that we know of is trying its level best to go digital, so why not go all-in on everything. Universities have now opted to start using the custom made whiteboards. This is quite the move up the ladder since before it was the dusty blackboards. Yet that is not only the great move the have made the custom whiteboards come in many forms, size, mode of use, and many other beneficial forms. One is the use of a marker on the boards that is now very popular even in all levels of education, he helps keep the environment clean and also saves you the hustle to have to clean your hands off the dusty chalks and also protects your skin.

This has become a lifesaver to many, the industry is going to keep moving up and it is only logical that everyone moves with it. These custom whiteboards also have other relative uses, like electrical use which also eases the work done by the user. In many foreign universities, mobile classrooms have been created in order to ease the ways of learning. These include the thirty tablet pieces on a cart. They have been useful in quite a number of departments like the departments of mathematics, the department of computer science, history, communication, psychology, music, economics, and even many foreign languages, truly it has been a game-changer. So what do these interactive whiteboards entail, they are connected to a computer and a multimedia projector. It is quite easy in fact, once the image is projected on the whiteboard you can use your finger to move the images in any direction you see fit just as a cursor follows the mouse movement.

You just tap on the screen twice just as you do with a mouse to open a folder. By this, you can perform a lot of the things you would do with a mouse on a laptop or a desktop with just your finger on the whiteboard. You can also write or draw anything on the whiteboard with your finger which actually allows you to make a better image than when using a desktop since it is easily done with your finger, there are also some pens available that make this activity much easier and clearer and the n save the image in the computer.

The images or the notes that you have written down in the meeting can later be printed into many copies right after saving the documents in your laptop or computer, they can also be emailed to anyone you would like. This software has also been developed in a way that the whiteboard can recognize your handwriting thus sending it to the computer in turn the computer turns the writings on the whiteboard to its own handwriting or in better words a computer text. Many teachers have described these whiteboards as the best in demonstrations and that they are very colorful and easy to use. So there is no reason for you not to start using one today.

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