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The Benefits of Christian Blogging

There are very many religions in the world today. Out of the numerous religion that are in existence in the world today, there are just a few that are practiced in almost all the continents of the world. Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism are great examples. Christianity and Islam have a number of things in common. The characters and some teachings of the two religions overlap. However, it is important to note that Christians believe that Jesus Christ is God. Something that the Muslims do not agree to be the case. However, the two religions have been spreading over the years. Christianity to be particular has recorded very high numbers or in other words have gained a lot of ground in the world, following the intense evangelism that they take with very seriously. In fact, Jesus Himself commanded His disciples to make disciples of all nations of the earth. Therefore, you will be correct if you state that Christianity is one of the fastest, if not the fastest growing religions in the world.

When it comes to Christians missions, there are a number of ways that they usually go about it. Missionary work, as described above is one great example. There is also the idea of using technology to reach out to as many people from all over the world as possible. The inception and growth in the use of the internet is among the few elements that have largely contributed to the growth of Christianity. And such a phenomenon has led to the growth in the use of internet evangelism. For instance, nowadays there are so many Christian bloggers in the world, who are using their platforms to reach out to both Christians and non-Christians alike. Christian blogging has gained a lot of traction over the past several years mainly because of the benefits associated with it. These benefits include the following. Christian blogging is a platform that can be used to share Jesus. As already stated above, Jesus Himself, commanded His disciples, before ascending to heaven, telling them that they should proclaim the riches of the Gospel to the ends of the earth. Fortunately for Christians nowadays is the fact that one can do so without having to travel to all the corners of the world. The internet has made it possible for Christian bloggers to share Christ with friends, families, and non-believers alike.

The other thing about Christian blogging is the fact that it can be used to glorify God. We have seen quite a number of pieces that have been penned purposefully to glorify God. The end-game of everything that all Christians do should always be to glorify God. A lot of Christian bloggers have actually achieved this over the years. He other amazing thing about Christian blogging is that it can help you build your community. Furthermore, it can help you generate income even as you chare the gospel, build the community, and give God all the glory that He truly deserves. These are some of the best things about Christian blogging.

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