Important Things You Need to Know About Adult Learning
To achieve an effective teaching it is important to know the adult learner and get to understand them better. One good thing about adult education is that they have chosen to be there and thus you will not have to push them around to have them do what is supposed to be done. It is also good to know that these adults come from every segment and diverse backgrounds and also of different ages and this is the reason you need to take your time to know them well so that you will be able to demonstrate respect to everyone and make their learning easy. The following are important things you need to know about adult learning.
You need to know that most adult learning is self-directed. This means that the learner has planned his or her time well and the learner know what exactly he wants therefore you will not have to push anybody. If you know this you will be in a position to support self-directed learners and encourage them so as to achieve harmony and increase their urge towards self-direction. Most adults have some level readiness for self-direction but you should not assume that the leaners will start with high level of self-direction. Self-direction will vary from one learner to the other but you need to find a way to encourage them to be more self-directed.
It is also important to know that adult choose to learn foe many different reasons. It is good to learn the driving motive towards learning and this way you are sure you will be able to relate with them well. You need to know some leaners are goal-oriented these ones have a clear purpose in their mind and they want to achieve something job promotion or career change. Some other learners are activity- oriented, they tend to love the activity more and this is the reason they want to learn, such kind of learners are motivated in meeting and interacting with different people. The next category you will encounter is learning oriented category. These learners tend to enroll for learning because they just want to learn, they get into learning for fun and because they find it more interesting to them.
Another thing you need to understand id their learning style. You need to understand that adult learn different ways. If you understand them then you will have a way to handle them in the best way. You will need to use learning styles information to get to assess individuals and be able to help them minimize on their self-directed learning efforts so that you will be in a position to achieve effective learning to all the learners. If you know the most common learning style then you are sure you are one step ahead because you will be able to teach them in the best way. If you know their learning ways you will be able to direct them well because you understand their strengths and also their weaknesses and hence handling them is easy.