The Basic Dos and Don’ts When Involved In an Automobile Accident
It is reported that over 1.25 million people die each year as a result of automobile accidents which translates to an average of 3,287 deaths daily. Further, another 20 to 50 million people are left disabled or severely injured and incapacitated from these accidents. Sadly, millions of people never know how to react, what to do or how to do it when involved in automobile accidents. How about you learn some dos and don’ts for your personal safety to avoid making very costly mistakes that may affect the outcome of your case. Here is a list of these dos and don’ts to always keep in mind.
First and foremost, always call the police as the first point of action when involved in an accident. No doubt the police will come in handy especially in helping you seek medical attention and also in gathering the bits and pieces to make the accident. Police details, comments and notes about the accident can play a huge role should the accident case proceed to trial so be sure to give them priority over anything else.
Unless you are seeking urgent medical attention which should be your top priority, never leave the scene of the accident until the police arrive. No doubt the charges of leaving the accident scene may be more severe even if the other person decides to leave the scene. It is imperative you ensure the scene of the accident is fully protected until the police give a go ahead unless of course, your physical injuries are more than you can bear. Even better would be for you if you could take still images and a couple of short clips of the accident scene using your mobile phone. Ensure you set up flares on turn on flashers and if it is dark have your headlights or a flashlight on to avoid other vehicles ramming into the scene before help arrives.
As mentioned, never put off medical attention even if you feel fine immediately after the accident. Remember, most of the internal injuries may not be seen or felt until after a couple of weeks so take the time to understand and learn more about the same. Your doctor should run thorough tests on you for soft tissue injuries and possible internal bleeding that may affect your system without your knowledge. Are their witnesses around the accident scene that are willing to share their contact details?