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The Tasteful Simple Ideas For Your Small Wedding

Many couples out there planning a wedding would rather keep it simple. The majority of people will go for something simple, but some want to show extravagance and make people talk. When thinking of doing that simple wedding, try these several unique ideas and have the perfect ceremony.

Many people are having a nighttime or sunset wedding can use the string lights known to work better. When used outdoors, you will see a bigger difference. When designing place, put the lights at strategic places so that they bring the ambience of romance and charm. If you go for string lights, you spend less but in return, you get them in different designs and color.

The second idea you must do is to use the LED candles that bring ambient lighting. The string lights will not work in some places, and this is where you light the candles and place them on tables. The real candles will make the guests happy, but they can cause trouble. The LED candles come in white, but some are colored. With these candles, there are no flames, but you can add some personal touch and use elements like stickers or ribbons.

Some people will go for the succulent hardy little plants that come in multiple varieties. They are cheap and last for a longer time, making it easy to order in huge quantities before the wedding. When the date is fast approaching, you avoid the transport hassle as they are designed in small pots. If you place some pots on the tables, the wedding site will look greener. When the party is over, give these pots with the succulent plants to your guests.

If you want something entertaining and fun, go for bubbles. The bubble bottles bought from toy shops and strip their labels. You can add some decorations on them or leave them bare. You will be placing the bubble bottles and ask the guests to blow them as the vows are said.

The other thing used is the fake flower petals that bring the romance on the big day. Every person has a choice of using the multicolored or plain white petals for their big day. With the petals, they get scattered on tables, aisle or the sidewalks.

On your wedding day, use the natural wood that adds class, dimension and depth. Use and install the planks of wood as the aisle for your beach wedding. When used, the wood adds a layer of protection to the guests.

The space at the wedding venue can be filed using balloons. These balloons float when filled with helium gas, and they add depth.

If looking for simplicity, speak to Cold Creek Farm and get unique wedding decor ideas.