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A Guide to Electromagnetic Field Testing

Electromagnetic field emissions can be found when electrical appliances and equipment are used. More and more consumers are being exposed to EMFs and the concern is growing about its effects.

When conducting an electromagnetic field test, it seeks to measure the amount of electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic exposure a product emits to people who use them. Occupational and general public exposure has regulatory limits. In order to assess the levels of exposure, then EMF testing is required. This test is then compared with reference levels.

In most markets, EMF compliance is a mandatory requirement. You can meet regulatory requirements with EMF testing. It can also help you improve the safety of your product and help you to reduce the risk of non-compliance which is very costly. In order to prevent recalls that are costly, manufacturers must ensure that their products’ EMF emissions do not exceed defined regulatory limits.

You can prove your commitment to consumer safety by subjecting your products to EMF testing and conformity assessments. With this, you can help strengthen your competitive position in the market.

Physical quantities are tested to measure EMF exposure levels. If the quantities that are measured prove higher than reference levels, then it needs further detailed analysis to determine compliance with basic restrictions.

When electrical energy is used, electromagnetic fields are created. There are EMFs in our homes when we use electrical appliances. EMFs are also in the workplace from the generation and transmission of electricity, radio and telephone stations, broadcasting, electric furnaces, welding, induction heating, and medical equipment.

There are acute short term effects when people are exposed to high levels of EMFs. The frequency of the radiation determines the effects that occur. If the frequency is low, then it affects the central nervous system of the body. When the frequency is high, it affects the body temperature and makes it rise. However, these are rare effects. It does not usually occur in most work situations.

There are direct and indirect effects of EMF exposure. The indirect effects include electric shocks, interference with active or passive medical devices, sparks that trigger fires or explosions, the uncontrolled attraction of ferromagnetic metals, and more. Direct effects include health and sensory effects which a person in the field experiences. Health effects include tingling and muscle contractions, thermal stress in body tissues, and heart arrhythmia. Sensory effects caused by the stimulation of the central nervous system results in flashes to the eye, nausea, vertigo, and metallic taste in the mouth.

In your risk assessment, you should identify people who are at particular risk. You should review your risk assessment periodically. It should also be updated. People at risk should be informed of the outcomes.

Even if your assessment shows that you are compliant with exposure limit values and action levels, it is important to give special consideration to the safety of people who are at particular risk. These include people with medical devices and pregnant women.

When medical devices are exposed to EMF, their normal operation is interfered with. It can cause them to a malfunction or cause injuries.

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