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Mole Extermination: Proven Strategies to Rid of Unwanted Guests

Moles are small burrowing animals that can cause serious damage to your lawn and garden. They create unsightly mounds of soil and can destroy plants and grass by digging tunnels under them. Though they can be very hard to get rid of, there are several strategies that can help you successfully control the population of moles and eradicate them from your property.

Identifying Moles

The first step to successful mole extermination is to identify whether the creature causing damage to your property is in fact a mole. Moles are small mammals, typically with gray or brown fur, short tails, and long snouts with small eyes. They range from six to eight inches in length from head to tail. Identifying moles is important as it will help you determine the best approach for eradication.

Mole Control Strategies

Once you’ve identified that a mole is present on your property, it’s important to determine the best approach for control. It’s generally recommended to start with non-lethal methods of control before resorting to lethal control such as traps or poisons.

Grub Control: One method of non-lethal control is grub control. Moles feed mostly on grubs, which are the larvae of beetles found in soil. Reducing the number of grubs available will make your property less attractive to moles and may help reduce their population.

Traps: If non-lethal methods do not seem effective, you may need to utilize traps in order to eradicate the moles. Traps come in several different forms; however the most commonly used types are burrow traps (e.g. Victor Out O’ Sight Mole Trap) or jaw traps (e.g. Havahart X-Small 1-Door Animal Trap).

Exclusion: You may also want to consider an exclusion approach for mole control. This involves creating physical barriers such as metal or plastic fencing around vulnerable areas like gardens or flowerbeds in order to prevent moles from accessing them and causing damage.

Deterrents: While not proven as effective, there are some deterrents that you may want to consider using; such as using ultrasonic devices designed to deter moles or spreading castor oil over affected areas.

Preventing Future Infestations

Once you have successfully eliminated a mole infestation on your property, it’s important to take certain steps to prevent future infestations; otherwise you will be dealing with the same problem again.

Keeping Tidy: To reduce chances of future infestation, keep your lawn and garden clear of debris like tall grasses and leaves; as these provide ideal habitat for moles and other pests. Additionally, keep flowerbeds well maintained as this will make them less attractive as a habitat for moles as well as other wildlife seeking shelter or food sources.

Sealing Entry Points: Another way of preventing future infestations is by sealing possible entry points into your home or garden; such as gaps under walls or in foundations. Sealing these entry points is especially important if you have evidence that a mole has dug its way into your home; as they can cause extensive damage if left unchecked.

Gardening Strategically: Finally, consider strategizing your gardening practices in order to reduce attraction to moles and other creatures who prey on worms and grubs in the soil; such as planting flowering plants at least six inches apart so moles don’t have larger food sources to prey on and digging frequently with a garden fork instead of a tiller so worms don’t become concentrated in one area .

In summary, exterminating moles can be difficult but is achievable with research and dedication. Identifying moles is essential for developing an effective eradication method, which may include grub control, traps, exclusion methods or deterrents depending on the severity of the infestation and the preferences of the homeowner or gardener. To prevent future infestations it is essential to keep gardens tidy; seal possible entry points; and strategize gardening practices that don’t attract pests.

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