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Learning more on Biblical Calender

How the Hebrew used to observe the Biblical calendar was based on the cycles of the moon. That is why it was easy to tell in which month it was as well as the events to be observed. You will note that different terminologies were used to refer to the name of the month, which differs from what we are using today. In most cases, you will learn that at the beginning of the new moon, it was time to start of the month according to the Hebrew Biblical calendar. On the other hand, you will note that during each time of the month according to the lunar cycle there were different cultural and the religious things which people were to observe. Even though it is not easy for you to understand the Biblical calendar for the Hebrews, you will note that different people have simplified the events further. However, you will note that not all the Biblical calendar authors are good at explaining the calendar for you to understand especially for the first time quickly.

You will note that for any Biblical calendar author, it is good to be in a position to understand the different months contained in the Biblical calendar. On the other hand, there is a need for the Biblical calendar author to tell the event which is in accordance to the month by observing all the laws. That is why before you consider studying any of the Biblical calendars, you should consider the study of the author. It is through studying from a bible society that you can be guaranteed that the information offered by any particular author is according to the Hebrew calendar. This is because it is not only by naming the months of the biblical calendar but also to explain the important of observing the month’s events. In this article, you will learn more about some of the critical months, which were very important to be found according to the Biblical calendar for the Hebrews. Note that at the start of the month, there was a festival which was known as the new moon. The new moon festival is associated with the Sabbath as an important religious observance of their faithfulness to God. To mark the new moon festival, you will note that there should be a burning of sacrifices.

Note that after the new moon, it was time to enter into the middle of the month. This is looked at by the moon, and it was also referred to as the full moon. This middle of the month was to mark the passing of the time for the celebration were mostly falls at the center of the month. That is the Passover and the tabernacle festivals, which were very important to them. The feast if the tabernacle was held in the seventh month of the Biblical calendar. During the festival, it was associated with a lot of harvests, and the celebration was to give thanks to God. On the other hand, it was also to remember the continuous protection of God during the time of the wilderness. On the other hand, you will learn that the feast of the tabernacle started after the day of the atonement.

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