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Tips for Writing OKRs for your Company

Several companies struggle when it comes to bridging the gap between strategies and implementation. Different management strategies aimed at bridging this gap have been in use for many years. Over the years, there has been one management strategy that has been increasing in popularity that is objectives and key results methodology. OKR helps define the goals of an organization. It is easy to track the achievement of these goals when you have measurable key results. What is expected of a staff member is well-known with clearly-defined objectives. What is needed to achieve these objectives will also be known. The use of this methodology is offering benefits to many companies today. This methodology is popular mainly because it is very easy and doesn’t need a lot of resources for implementation. Three to five high-level objectives are consisted of in OKRs. Under these objectives, you will have three to five measurable key results. These key results can be set on either a scale of 0-100{26d28cabc9b729fd1037b555462a72a61d3202ba35dcf7755dc441d9f2428190} or 0-1. The OKRs can be implemented in your annual or quarterly plans. It is not hard to write your company’s OKRs. You can read more about tips for writing OKRs here!

Your OKRs should be simple. It is essential to establish what is of most importance to our company. Establishing this will help you come up with OKRs that are most suitable for your company. The number of objectives to have will be decided by you. However, it is important to keep in mind the time you have and the complexity of the objectives. You should have OKRs that are not too easy to achieve but still achievable. When writing OKRs, specificity is important. You should have clear objectives and clearly-defined results. You don’t want anything lost in translation. The ambiguity of your OKRs will be avoided by being clear and concise.

Every member of your staff should know what is expected of them. This is why it is essential to level your objectives. The role of top management to junior staff in achieving the objectives should be known. The contribution of every staff member in achieving the company’s objectives. Not only should the employees be aware of their roles but the company’s overall objective also. Everybody should know what they are working towards. You should have measurable key results. If it is difficult to quantify results, come up with a way of measuring results.

Acknowledging and rewarding success is important. When you can hit your milestone, you should celebrate. You will encourage the staff by celebrating wins thereby encouraging the OKR process. You can click here on this site to learn more.