A Guide to Immigration Bail Bond
The immigration department in the United States will deal with you once you get into the country illegally. Unknown by many is the process of securing an immigration bail bond leaving them unsure of the steps to take. If you want to know more regarding immigration bail bond, this article will explain all there is to know. People who are at risk of being arrested for immigration purposes are those that are in the country illegally and green card holders who are in certain situations. When it comes to making arrests to immigrants who are in the United States illegally, immigration and custom enforcement are the ones who are responsible.
It is not a must that you stay in jail and wait for your case to be determined once arrested by the ICE. Under personal recognizance, an immigrant can be set free by the immigration and customs enforcement. An immigrant promises to attend all court hearings hence are released by the immigration and custom enforcement. The courts determine if the immigrant will be able to keep the promise and direct the authority to set them free. Paying bail is not required if a detainee’s application for personal recognizance is granted by the courts. A detainee can also apply for an immigration bond instead to waiting in a jail cell as they wait for their court hearings.
There are two main types on immigration bonds that detainees can apply for. An immigration judge who accepts an application made by a detainee who was arrested by ICE grants them a delivery bond. Once granted a delivery bail, you will learn more that a detainee is allowed to continue living with their family and appear in court for hearings. The other type of immigration bond is the voluntary departure bond. A voluntary departure bond entails that a detainee leave the country voluntarily. This bond is granted once the detainee agrees to leave the country within a specified period of time.
Settling all the deportation costs is a responsibility of the detainee once they are granted to voluntary departure bond. If the judge determines that you are a threat to the public safety; you will not qualify for a bond. As a detainee, you must have someone to get the bond for you. The only person who is eligible to take a bond for you is a United States citizen. If a detainee wants to avoid being rearrested after being released, they must honor all conditions stipulated on the bond. Mandatory court hearing must be attended by a detainee for them to avoid being arrested again.