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Learn About Military Traditions

A lot of people have dedicated their lies to serving their countries as soldiers. Becoming a soldier is one of the most honorable professions currently and it is based on sacrifice, discipline and service. There are a lo of traditions in the military that a lot of people still do not know about. In this article, we are going to learn the basics of some of these traditions.

We are first going to learn the basics of challenge coins, which is a tradition that has seen very many years in the force. The challenge coin has been around for very many years as much as many people know nothing about it since it was first used by an American fighter pilot to prove his identity to the French soldiers. Today, soldiers collect challenge coins as you would collect pins. Challenge coins are also used to show appreciation and the president gifts them to honorable guests.

We will also learn the basics behind Marine Amtrac crews not eating apricots. You would be surprised to learn that even soldiers are quite superstitious. The marine have believed in this for very many years seeing as there was an enemy attack in Vietnam every time somebody opened or ate apricots.

We will also learn the basics of a tradition known as blood pinning. This is a rather brutal tradition that has seen the test of time. When one is promoted and issued with a new badge, other soldiers take turn punching the badge into your chest until you bleed. This tradition has however brought bad press to the military which is why they are opting for less brutal traditions.

We will also learn the basics of the military tradition practised before a wedding. If you intend to marry anyone in the military, then you should be ready for a light spanking, with a sword. This is the military’s way of welcoming you into the family.

We will also learn the basics of military soaking. This military tradition is practised every time a soldier leaves the service. You commemorate your amazing years of service by being hose down with water. You can also be soaked in other drinks such as champagne.

We are also going to learn the basics of lard covered monument climbing, which is a tradition that has been practised by the military for a very long time. This tradition is practised by naval midshipmen all over, who climb a twenty-one-foot monument to replace their first-year hats with upperclassmen hats. This tradition is kept interesting by having a thick coat of lard cover the monument and then asking the midshipmen to climb all at once.

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